Hello my lovely,
In my last video, I shared my full divorce story and what happened. I also shared 11 tips on how you can get through a divorce or a break-up.
- Related : My divorce + 11 Tips to get through it
In this video, I share 4 things you can do to heal after a breakup so that you can rebuild your life can still live happily.
If you are in midst of it, I see you – I know how hard it can be and how confusing this time can feel. I hope that these 2 videos (see my last video here : ) can give you some hope that you will get over it and that time heals all.
A breakup or divorce can be very traumatic and I wanted to share my experience on the things that I did to heal from my breakup to become a better version of myself and to re-build my life. After my relationship ended, it was really important to me to make sure that I re-claimed my life and my future so that I can live the best life possible. I didn’t want my divorce to define my whole life.
So I went on a healing journey to do everything in my power to learn, heal, grow and ultimately, come out of a really unhealthy and toxic relationship to become a better and stronger version of myself.
I created these videos to help whoever is in the same situation right now, or if you know someone that is growing through a bad breakup, then maybe you can support them better. But I wanted to give hope and to give inspiration of what you can look forward to after you have gone through the healing journey. It gets better. Just keep going.
And take it day-by-day.