Are you ready to finally achieve your goals in 2022 and to start living your dream life? Here are 3 things you should do in the last 60 days of the year to get ready for 2022 so that you can start the new year feeling excited and empowered to achieve your goals and live a happier life.
Do you set goals every year but by February or March, you have fallen off the bandwagon and give up?
Do you always tell yourself “This year will be MY YEAR and I WILL achieve my goals.” but every time you fall off the bandwagon and give up within a few months?
If this resonates with you and you’re sick and tired of NOT achieving your goals and NOT living your dream life, then there are 3 things you should do in the next 60 days to set yourself up for success so that in the new year, you can finally achieve your goals and live a happier life.
What people don’t understand is that there’s a foundation that you need before you even start setting goals! You have to take the time to sit down and reflect, think, feel…where are you in your life? What’s missing? What are you proud of? What are you less proud of? What are changes you know you MUST make (but haven’t been able to)? And what are the things that you truly, deeply want in your life, but haven’t been able to achieve?
In this video, I wanted to talk you through the 3 things you have do in the 60 days so that when January 1st hits, you feeling empowered and READY to tackle the new year and more importantly, tackle your goals.
These 3 things are the foundation that you have to do to set inspiring and meaningful goals to create your dream life.
Let me know in the comments below : what would be on BIG goal you’d like to achieve next year?