Let’s journal together! In this series, I walk you through simple prompts to coach you through a journaling session. There is a main journal prompts and additional questions that I ask to help you think and dig deep. These sessions are short but effective and are meant to help you practice the habit of journaling.
Hello my lovely!
Here’s another guided journaling session to help you set monthly goals using the Inspired Goals Method!
If you’ve been wanting to set goals in a more meaningful way…and if you’ve been wanting to feel happier and to be more present and mindful in your every day life…then Inspired Goals is what you need!
This video will give you a glimpse into how different Inspired Goals Method is. The foundation of it starts with asking better questions to create a more inspiring and meaningful vision on which you can then set your goals AND figure out what changes you need to make in your habits and routines to support the dream life you are trying to create.
What has always been most important to me is to make sure that my content is PRACTICAL and USEABLE – I want you to be able to take away advice and guidance that you can use in your every day life.
Which is why I love the “Journal with me” series because I don’t just give you a prompt for you to answer – I guide you through it, as if I am sitting there beside you, coaching you and helping you dig deeper to better understand yourself and find clearer answers.
So if you’ve been wanting to try the Inspired Goals Method and you are ready to take a step towards your dreams, then let’s sit down set your goals together and plan for the month ahead!