Have you ever noticed how much you distract yourself ?
Like really. Think about it.
- Picking up our phones every 2 minutes.
- Watching TV.
- Keeping our schedules busy.
- Worrying about someone else’s problems.
- Scrolling on social media.
Why do we do this ?
What’s so terrible about our lives or our selves that we feel the need to constantly distract ourselves or numb ourselves?
When in our life did we lose the availing to just be present.
To lay down in the grass and look at the clouds passing by.
To soak in a bath and enjoy the feeling of the warm water on our skin.
To walk and enjoy our surroundings, observing the homes we walk by.
And the scariest part of it all?
How much of life has passed us by, without us noticing it? Without us appreciating a small moment spent with a loved one. Or a fleeting loving look from our significant other?
It’s interesting to think about how I’m doing so many things at the same time because I’m so petrified of life passing me by and me not enjoying it.
When in reality, all the “things” I’m trying to constantly do is exactly what’s holding me back from enjoying life. From being present in the small moments. From appreciating the small things.
Granted. I’ve become a LOT better at being present and mindful. But it’s a work in progress. And I just find it fascinating to notice how and when I’m distracting myself so that I can uncover the WHY and the WHAT.
- Why am I distracting myself right now ?
- And what am I distracting myself from?
- An emotion?
- A bad memory?
- A fear?
- A worry?
The more we pay attention to our patterns the more aware we can be about our behaviours.
And the more aware we are of our thoughts and behaviours, the easier it will be to slowly shift them so that we can truly live in the moment and connect with a deeper sense of meaning and happiness.