Why haven’t you achieved your biggest goals yet? What’s holding you back from living your dream life and slaying your goals? Your limiting beliefs are holding you back from living your best life and slaying your goals because you are second-guessing yourself every step of the way. In three steps, you can expose and conquer your limiting beliefs so that you can finally free yourself once and for all.
The brain is a funny thing. On one end of the spectrum, your brain has the power to create an imaginary world where you can escape reality, where you can daydream about what could be, and where you are carefree and happy… or your mind can become your own living hell.
Sorry for the dramatic turn but the truth is, your mind can either be your most powerful tool in your arsenal to create and build your dream life, or it can your downfall because you can be holding yourself back from achieving your goals.
Your limiting beliefs are holding you back from coming up with your wildest dreams and then figuring how to achieve them. Your mind has created reasons why you can’t do what your heart desires the most and would make you the happiest.
What are limiting beliefs
In the Ultimate Goal-Setting Resource Library, I went in depth and defined limiting beliefs and to be honest, I’m pretty proud of what I wrote and I didn’t want to plagiarize myself and neither did I want to try and re-write something that I already explained really well.
But for the sake of this blogpost, I’ll give you a quick run-down of what is a limiting belief.
To state the obvious, limiting beliefs are the beliefs and thoughts that you create in your mind that are holding you back from moving forward and taking a step towards your goals and dreams because your mind creates your reality.
[bctt tweet=”Your mind creates your reality and your limiting beliefs are holding your back from living your dream life” username=”seppyforlove”]
More specifically, if something happens to you, the way your mind chooses to process the information and the meaning it chooses to attach to that situation will create your reality. It can choose to either make it a empowering and enriching experience, or it can choose to see it something extremely painful, challenging and frustrating.
For example, if you lose your job, you can either feel like it’s the end of the world and let your mind race to negative places where you will feel hopeless, scared, despair and all the scary thoughts that come with losing your source of income.
Or, your mind can choose to interpret this event as something positive or maybe as a sign from the Universe/God because it can be an opportunity to re-create your life. A possibility to have a bit of time off so that you can figure out what YOU want to do next without the restrictions of the job you lost.
Which perspective sounds more empowering?
In this example, limiting beliefs would hold you back from dreaming big and allowing your mind to wander and think of the possibilities that have just opened to you – from moving to a new city for another job opportunity or the freedom to explore other careers that you have always been too busy to look into.
Limiting beliefs are the preset ways that our mind will interpret anything that happens to us, which then dictates our reactions, feelings and ultimately our behaviour towards that situation.
[bctt tweet=”Conquer your limiting beliefs and you will see a whole new world of opportunities open up to you” username=”seppyforlove”]
Get access to this FREE worksheet to help you expose and conquer your limiting beliefs so that you can free yourself of the one thing that’s holding you back from SLAYING your goals and living your DREAM life!
How limiting beliefs are holding you back from living your dreams
Limiting beliefs are the automatic response of your brain – a pre-established path of thoughts in your mind that always brings you back to the same end point – fear, despair, discouragement and disempowerment.
When your limiting beliefs kick in, you have an automatic response to a situation, without giving your current self the opportunity to create a new and more empowering meaning. Limiting beliefs are your mind already predicting the future and holding you back from potential opportunities.
[bctt tweet=”Limiting beliefs are holding you back from potential opportunities to daydream and create new meaning and experiences ” username=”seppyforlove”]
Without realizing it, you’re already telling you the outcome. You’re already predicting what’s going to happen. How do you think that will affect your behaviour and actions?
If you already “know” that you are going to fail or that something won’t work, then why put it in the effort in the first place?
Limiting beliefs make you function and respond from a place where you have set boundaries and limitations for yourself…without having even tried anything to solve the situation!
You are holding yourself back without realizing it and not allowing yourself to let your mind wander and even allow yourself to daydream because your limiting beliefs are constantly tugging you back into a reality that your mind has created.
How to conquer your limiting beliefs
Step 1: Awareness
The first step is always…awareness.
The moment you start listening to the immediate messages and answers your brain are telling you, you’re becoming aware whether these are positive and empowering or whether they are limiting and holding you back.
Next time something happens and you react, pay attention to your thoughts, and ask yourself:
Is this an empowering thought?
Am I interpreting this situation from a negative or positive mindset?
Is this an automatic emotional response or have I actually thought this through before reacting?
Step 2: Choose better words
Words matter. How you talk about yourself, about others and the words you choose to describe a situation will affect how you feel about it. Let’s try this in practice right now.
What are a few words that you would use to describe yourself on a regular basis?
How do those words make you feel?
For example, I have to consciously make sure that I don’t describe myself as follows: I wish I were thinner. I hate my flabby stomach. Why can’t I be more toned?
The words “I wish”, “thinner”, “hate”, “flabby” are negative, discouraging and downright MEAN! They convey the messages of hopelessness, not being good enough, and emphasize your looks and physique rather than who you are as a person.
[bctt tweet=”Words matter. The words you use to describe yourself, others or a situation will affect how you feel about it. Choose empowering and kind words in your day-to-day life.” username=”seppyforlove”]
Wouldn’t it be nicer if you told yourself the following instead:
- I am not the weight that I would like to be (because you have to stay realistic as well and not fool yourself either) but I am taking the necessary steps to get in better shape so that I can be healthier and more energetic.
- My stomach isn’t as toned I would like it to be, but I’m taking the necessary steps every day to work towards my goals by eating healthy and nourishing foods and exercising.
- I want a more toned body so every day, I am making a conscious effort to work towards that goal.
See how the second set of beliefs are kinder, patient and more loving rather than being self-deprecating and negative and discouraging??
Challenge and question your beliefs and start using more empowering, kind and loving words when you’re describing yourself or a situation.
A good tip that is to ask yourself whether you would talk to your friend or sister the same way you’re talking to yourself. Or even better, envision a child version of yourself that you connect to (i.e. I imagine my 3-year old self) and be honest – would you want someone to talk to her in that demeaning and discouraging way? Or would you want her to be encouraged, empowered and loved and be told that she can do anything she wants?
Step 3: Transform your beliefs
Take your beliefs and make them more empowering. I’m not expecting you to become a positive person in a day and to have an automatic positive response however, with time, this is a habit and skill that you can build up.
Make the conscious decision to change your limiting beliefs into empowering and freeing beliefs.
[bctt tweet=”Transform your limiting beliefs in 3 easy steps so that are empowering and freeing beliefs, so that you can slay your goals!” username=”seppyforlove”]
A powerful practice that will help accelerate how you conquer your beliefs are to write down your limiting beliefs as they come so that you can start re-working them and making them more empowering. To help you, I created a worksheet to help you in this exercise! You can download it by signing up below!
Don’t worry about making them perfect from the start, that won’t happen. Just the mere process of writing down your limiting beliefs will make you more aware of them so that when they do come up, you will be able to counter them more effectively.
So tell me, what’s one negative limiting belief that you have about yourself or a current situation that you can conquer right now? If you struggle with this exercise, I’m an email away, I can help!
For a more in-depth guide on how to expose and conquer your limiting beliefs, I highly encourage you to check out the resource library where I delve even deeper into this exercise.
Get access to this EXCLUSIVE goal-setting resource library where you will find action-based guides, inspiration, tips, worksheets and resources that you need to help you create and build your dream like so that you can SLAY your goals!
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Deanna says
Love it. I spoke on this very topic in my webinar with Sheila and Stephanie. I’m a firm believer that self limiting beliefs are a huge obstacle for most ppl and learning to overcome them effectively can open so many doors. Thanks for your insights!
Melanie says
Your post couldn’t have come at a better time! For the last few months, I’ve felt myself holding back as I needed some time to focus and prioritise things, and just take then a step at a time. Now, I’m ready to achieve some goals on my bucket list again! Thanks for the encouragement, your words really inspired me – and you’re right, choosing empowering words really does help transform the way we think of/see things. 🙂