7 important things that you need to know about goal-slaying, whether you’re a beginner or not. Because goal-slaying is about more than the goal itself. It’s about creating a life of love and purpose where you find meaning in every moment. Here’s your beginner’s guide to goal-slaying. If you’re sick of hearing about “goal-setting this” and “goal-setting that”, I’m totally with you. I’m sick of it too. I started setting goals years ago and with time, I realized that I was getting…bored. I ...
3 Secrets on How to Set and Fulfill Achievable Goals
Are you ready to finally start achieving some of those big goals you’ve been dreaming of? If you’ve been struggling with setting goals let alone achieving any of them, then you need to read about the 3 secrets on how to set and fulfill achievable goals. Do any of these sound familiar? “Goal-setting doesn’t work.” “I haven’t achieved any of my goals…but I’d like to.” “I don’t believe in goal-setting.” Raise your hand if you've ever had any of these thoughts (ok, you don’t *actually* need your ...
5 Reasons Why You’re Not Achieving Your Goals
Are you trying your best and you’re not slaying your goals? Here are 5 reasons why you’re not achieving your goals. A small shift can make a huge difference, so make sure to read through to see why you might not be achieving YOUR goals…yet! Are you committed to your goals? Are you doing everything in your power to achieve them and zip…nothing is happening? You haven’t reached your goals or your milestones and you can’t figure out why? Well, here are a few reasons why you’re not achieving your ...
5 Simple Ways That You Can Transform Your Life
Are you stuck in a rut and are ready to transform your life NOW? Start with these 5 simple ways that are easy to incorporate in your life so that you can transform it INSTANTLY! Do you wake up every morning, feeling inspired and excited to get out bed? Do you feel like you are living your best life? Or do you feel like you’re going through the motions? I get it, I’ve been there. When you feel like you’re in a rut, that you’re just living but not LIVING and enjoying life. That you’re going ...
What You Need to Know About Slaying Your Goals
Goal-slaying is about the journey, not the destination. Here’s everything you need to know about slaying your goals so that you can be prepared to tackle anything that comes your way. Slaying your goals and achieving your dreams is not going to be what you expect. The journey is fulfilling the goals you set for yourself is going to be unexpected and full of challenging moments that, if you push through it, will give you results beyond your imagination. I strongly believe that the more informed ...
What it Really Means to be Successful
Many of us strive to be successful in our lifetime. But what we don’t realize is that we are overcomplicating it. Success is very simple and can be achieved in many different ways and to different degrees. Discover what it really means to be successful so that you can recognize the success that YOU have already achieved in your lifetime. What does success mean to you? Does it mean having a certain amount of money in the bank? To buy a house? To have the latest ‘it’ purse? Or perhaps being ...