Let's journal together! In this series, I walk you through simple prompts to coach you through a journaling session. There is a main journal prompts and additional questions that I ask to help you think and dig deep. These sessions are short but effective and are meant to help you practice the habit of journaling. Hello my lovely! I talk a lot about journaling and how it's a simple but powerful tool to help you feel happier. As a way to help you practice journaling, especially if you're ...
6 Simple Journaling Tips for Beginners
Want to learn how to cultivate the habit of journaling in your busy schedule? Here are 6 simple journaling tips for beginners that can you help you journal, every day, for less than 10 minutes. Journaling is a simple but powerful tool that you should use in your personal development and mental well-being toolkit. These tips will simplify the process of journaling. Journaling is one my favourite tools in my toolkit for so many reasons. It’s a tool that I advocate to my coaching clients because ...
[ DAY IN THE LIFE | the truth about my health & healing journey ]
Hello my lovely! It’s been a little while, but I’m back and very excited about the future! I wanted to film a short vlog-style video to catch you up on what’s been going on and to share with you what to expect next in my YouTube channel, my Podcast and all the good things that are coming your way. In the last few months, I’ve been taking the time to focus on my health and my healing. The last few years have been incredibly stressful. My whole life has turned upside down, and I am ...
[ journal entry | the void ]
I've been in a void lately. Nothing seems to make sense. I'm done living in the past, but I also don't know where to go from here, and the present feels scary. What I thought I knew seems like a blur. But so does the present. And the future. It feels like I can't figure out the next step. The next move. The next "thing". What's the point of it all? Why are we here? What do I do next? It's a weird place to be in. My dreams are still there. But far, far away into the ...
[ journal entry | 2022.03.15 ]
I took a picture of this journal entry that I wrote a few weeks ago but forgot to post. I've been reflecting a lot on how we view ourselves, our bodies, and how we define our self-worth. I've been trying to shift my perspective, but also understand where my conditioning comes from. Why do I think I need to look a certain way to be loved or to be proud of myself? Why do I push myself beyond my limits all the time to do more? What I've also realized that "doing" has been a coping ...
[ JOURNAL ENTRY | 2022.03.10 ]
Have you ever noticed how much you distract yourself ? Like really. Think about it. Picking up our phones every 2 minutes. Watching TV.Keeping our schedules busy. Worrying about someone else’s problems.Scrolling on social media. Why do we do this ? What’s so terrible about our lives or our selves that we feel the need to constantly distract ourselves or numb ourselves? When in our life did we lose the availing to just be present. To lay down in the grass and look at the ...